Past Events
BVAC open weekend July 2024
Papermakers & Artists Queensland got to meet and greet other paper enthusiasts & those just curious about paper and its uses at the BVAC open weekend held onsite at our meeting site in Taragindi in July 2024. With a display table full of different paper creations next to a demo table of paper making equipment, many visitors got to see and some even to try their hand at creating hand made paper. Members showed the process of pulling a sheet of paper from the vat as well as chat with the public. It was great to meet and talk to fellow paper enthusiasts as well as the plain curious.
Huge thanks to members who participated and shared there paper joy found in our group. PAQ also held a paper making workshop Sunday morning which was booked out with attendees creating a stash of paper to take home to dry for further projects. Participants gave enthusiastic feedback afterwards so congratulations to Joanna for running such a successful workshop.
Where we meet, BVAC is home to a number of arts & crafts groups. It was great opportunity to visit and see their displays and activities too.
Huge thanks to members who participated and shared there paper joy found in our group. PAQ also held a paper making workshop Sunday morning which was booked out with attendees creating a stash of paper to take home to dry for further projects. Participants gave enthusiastic feedback afterwards so congratulations to Joanna for running such a successful workshop.
Where we meet, BVAC is home to a number of arts & crafts groups. It was great opportunity to visit and see their displays and activities too.
Paper: more than a flat surface
A common commodity in everyday life, paper mainly serves utilitarian functions, its uniqueness often overlooked in the traditional perception of artistic endeavours, not being perceived as a noble material like precious wood and metal or works on canvas. “Paper: more than a flat surface” will show our artists possess both deft technical skills in not only making the paper, but in the wide variety of techniques that can be presented with this supple yet robust material.
This exhibition presented works for your enjoyment in traditional bound books, dynamic contemporary artists books, 2D and 3D paper artworks, cyanotype, eco dyeing, collage, print techniques, mark making, art to wear, stitching on paper, boxed origami mask and roses as well as handmade papers from a wide variety of natural fibres.
Also featured this year was the mini exhibition with the theme “Pearl,” which featured the mini books created by our members to celebrate our thirtieth birthday in 2023.
This exhibition presented works for your enjoyment in traditional bound books, dynamic contemporary artists books, 2D and 3D paper artworks, cyanotype, eco dyeing, collage, print techniques, mark making, art to wear, stitching on paper, boxed origami mask and roses as well as handmade papers from a wide variety of natural fibres.
Also featured this year was the mini exhibition with the theme “Pearl,” which featured the mini books created by our members to celebrate our thirtieth birthday in 2023.
Paper: All Stitched Up, Gympie Regional Gallery, 22 February – 23 March 2024
Originally curated by Sandra Pearce at the Dogwood Crossing Art Gallery in Miles for Papermakers &
Artists Queensland Inc (PAQ) in 2023, the exhibition is travelling to the Gympie Regional Gallery,
enriched by a selection of new artworks and participating artists. Joolie Gibbs and Ann Huthwaite
are curating this new incarnation.
44 works by 22 PAQ artists were selected for this exhibition to showcase the variety of paper art and
techniques, and include hangings, sculptures, objects, and artist books. Although stitching on paper
is the focus of this exhibition, other techniques employed by the artists include painting, dyeing,
rusting, collage, printmaking, and origami.
Participating artists: Ann Huthwaite, Fiona Dempster, Fiona Garrett-Benson, Glenda Hennig, Heather
Matthew, Jan Pearce, Joanna Faber, Joanne Taylor, Joolie Gibbs, Kris Estreich, Lyn Rushby, Marjorie
Beattie, Maxine V Cole, Michelle Vandermeer, Ngaire Macleod, Peter Whitehouse, Sandra Pearce,
Sue Gordon, Vanessa Fitzgerald Scott, Wendy Drake, Wendy Sonnenburg, Zela Bissett
The exhibition opening will be at the Gympie Regional Gallery, 39 Nash Street, Gympie, on Saturday
24 February, 11.00am – 12.30pm.
Originally curated by Sandra Pearce at the Dogwood Crossing Art Gallery in Miles for Papermakers &
Artists Queensland Inc (PAQ) in 2023, the exhibition is travelling to the Gympie Regional Gallery,
enriched by a selection of new artworks and participating artists. Joolie Gibbs and Ann Huthwaite
are curating this new incarnation.
44 works by 22 PAQ artists were selected for this exhibition to showcase the variety of paper art and
techniques, and include hangings, sculptures, objects, and artist books. Although stitching on paper
is the focus of this exhibition, other techniques employed by the artists include painting, dyeing,
rusting, collage, printmaking, and origami.
Participating artists: Ann Huthwaite, Fiona Dempster, Fiona Garrett-Benson, Glenda Hennig, Heather
Matthew, Jan Pearce, Joanna Faber, Joanne Taylor, Joolie Gibbs, Kris Estreich, Lyn Rushby, Marjorie
Beattie, Maxine V Cole, Michelle Vandermeer, Ngaire Macleod, Peter Whitehouse, Sandra Pearce,
Sue Gordon, Vanessa Fitzgerald Scott, Wendy Drake, Wendy Sonnenburg, Zela Bissett
The exhibition opening will be at the Gympie Regional Gallery, 39 Nash Street, Gympie, on Saturday
24 February, 11.00am – 12.30pm.
A Day with Dion Channer - 25 February, 2024
Workshop with Dion Channer held at his paper mill on 25/02/202 was a great experience, expert tuition, had wonderful outcomes and resulted in a fun time exploring paper making.
Paper Mashup Three Day Event August 2023
BVAC OPEN DAY - 22-23 July 2023
BVAC OPEN DAY April 2021

A day of papermaking fellowship and sharing on 9 August at BVAC at Tarragindi.
A day of papermaking fellowship and sharing on 9 August at BVAC at Tarragindi.

JUNE 4TH 2015
Led by the wonderful Di Tait this was a fun day playing with dyes and paper. Members can read more about the day and making momigami in the September newsletter.
JUNE 4TH 2015
Led by the wonderful Di Tait this was a fun day playing with dyes and paper. Members can read more about the day and making momigami in the September newsletter.
INTO PAPER exhibition 2014/15

Member - Anne Grant
Mostly Thallophytes
Dimensions: Height 32cm; width & depth 36cm
Handmade paper from crinum stems, with various seeds (including gahnia, basil, grass tree and golden penda) and flower filaments from bat plant flowers added.

Member - Joolie Gibbs
Flood Language 1
Dimensions: 800mm w x 1200mm h
Handmade Paper (Mother-in-laws tongue, banana and bladey grass),
Berbagi Exhibition 2012
Below is a selection of photos from the successful Berbagi Exhibition held at Sunshine Coast University Gallery.
Papermaking at Dion Channer's studio and papermill
Below are photos from the Papermakers' weekend in 2011 with Dion Channer at his studio north of Gympie.
Dion is originally from the UK but lived in Italy before coming to Australia. When he came to Australia he brought all his papermaking equipment including Hollander beater and vacuum table with him, as well as a large amount of unprocessed mulberry fibre. His equipment and fibre took up a 20 ft. container.
The 9 papermakers spent the weekend experimenting with the vacuum table, making large sheets of paper measuring approx 2m x 1m, as well as cooking, beating, and couching sheets of paper from Dion's fibre supply of mulberry bark fibre and cotton linters. They also used their own fibre including banana and a weed from Helga's property.
Several of the papermakers have subsequently returned to Dion's studio to work on individual projects.
Dion is originally from the UK but lived in Italy before coming to Australia. When he came to Australia he brought all his papermaking equipment including Hollander beater and vacuum table with him, as well as a large amount of unprocessed mulberry fibre. His equipment and fibre took up a 20 ft. container.
The 9 papermakers spent the weekend experimenting with the vacuum table, making large sheets of paper measuring approx 2m x 1m, as well as cooking, beating, and couching sheets of paper from Dion's fibre supply of mulberry bark fibre and cotton linters. They also used their own fibre including banana and a weed from Helga's property.
Several of the papermakers have subsequently returned to Dion's studio to work on individual projects.
Pulp Painting at Wallace House, Noosa
Papermaking - General Photos
Member - Tricia Smout
Artist in Residence, Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens 2012
Artist in Residence, Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens 2012
Member - Sandra Pearce

Turn Over a New Leaf
Member - Ngaire Macleod

Ngaire Macleod
Member - Jill Brose

'Fragments in the Sky (detail), Jill Brose, 2012
From the Berbagi Exhibition
From the Berbagi Exhibition